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2pm, Saturday 14th December 2019

This introduction session has a maximum number of 10 participants, please sign up here and donate what you feel:


Reiki is a gentle Japanese therapy that assists the natural healing through to the affected part of the body. In this intro we will talk about how it works, what energy centers it uses and its accessibility for everyone. We will share our personal stories and views, and we will do a group meditation and exercises to get us into the flow. We will also share what you can expect from your Reiki treatment and how to book sessions, feel free to come along and ask any questions.


For many of us who practice Reiki, it helps to be in tune with the universal frequency. Not only can it help to heal humans both emotional and physical issues, but can heal plants, trees, animals, situations both of past, present and future. It can also be used to charge crystals and other appliances for magical use.


We want to highlight that a Reiki healer isn’t about being some 'spiritual guru', it’s a science, an energy that is flowing all the time, one merely has to acknowledge it to begin to feel its benefits. Most people will find that they too have practiced Reiki on themselves, when experiencing pain, using their hand to take hold of the area, and unknowingly pass Reiki from the hand through to the affected part of the body.


Following the intro session, we will open the space over the coming months to anyone who wishes to experience a full Reiki treatment, either for physical issues, emotional issues, spiritual reasons or sheer interest with 30-45 minute sessions. The space is yours, the love is free!


Daisy Faircluff has unofficially practiced Reiki ever since she was a young girl, having learnt it from her nana. She has practiced all around Europe, at various festivals and to friends and colleagues.


Rita Cadete learned about Reiki when her father completed his first levels. He later became a master and teacher, and she decided to get attuned as she learned more about his practice. Using Reiki as a tool for self-healing at that time, she was able to overcome the most difficult bouts of a generalised anxiety disorder that manifested as panic attacks, depression and social withdrawal. It opened a door to pursue her spiritual exploration more confidently, gaining knowledge of the wounds of the unconscious, making them more easily treatable. As the calling to help in collective healing grows, Reiki is an important and powerful way she can contribute.

This session is part of 'CAIM', the Chaos Magic winter programme (details below).



The circle of protection

Chaos Magic's winter programme


‘Sanctuary; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, to remind one of being safe and loved, even in the darkest times’. (SCOTS GAELIC)

For this winters programme we will turn our small gallery space into a warm, cosy, womblike interior and create a space of protection and sanctuary. 


Every 2 weeks from Dec 14th 2019 - Feb 2020 there will be a 2 hour healing session which may take the form of a workshop, reading or guided exercise. 


Our space is small and intimate, we can offer a maximum of 10 places per session.

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