1st August - 14th August 2021
Opening in August, this exhibition coincides with Lammas – an ancient festival celebrating the first grain harvest of the year. The word Lammas comes from an Old English phrase that translates to ‘loaf mass.’ Exploring themes of abundance, folk traditions, and magick; the show features three artists, Kimberley-Rose, Faye Rita Robinson, and Joseph Winsborrow.
Nottingham-based artist, Kimberly-Rose a.k.a. @CurrentlyKimmy creates beautiful oddities from ethically sourced materials. Her pointillist or linework illustrations and watercolour paintings are based on combining fantastical daydreams, ethereal and powerful soundtracks, and whatever book she might have in her bag at the time.
Faye Rita Robinson is an artist based in Nottingham, England.Through the painting of hellish imagery and demonic figures, she channels her experiences of sleep paralysis and explores her mental health journey. Through her work she draws on themes of medieval mysticism and work to create an experienced sense of dread, similar to that present in the end of the world imagery of the early ages.
Joseph Winsborrow is constantly fluctuating between mediums and materials. He loves to explore ideas for performances and rituals that utilise drag and divination techniques, though more recently, he has been more 'bedroom bound', as it were, exploring new skills in macrame and print design.
Private View:
1st August, 6-9pm - Opening night with market stalls & performance.
Opening Times:
Sundays 12-5pm and by appointment only. Email chaosmagicspace@gmail.com for enquiries.
COVID UPDATE from Monday 19th July
Stay safe and prevent the spread
Please continue to wear your masks when in communal spaces or crowded spaces. Not everyone is double jabbed and some members are more vulnerable. Some of us are anxious of the imminent changes, so we will take it slowly given COVID numbers are rising. Wearing masks in these situations remains our policy until further notice.
- If you have symptoms- stay home
- If you test positive – stay home
- If you have been in contact with someone with COVID isolate and stay home
- Continue to sign in when on site as normal
- Anti-bac stations will remain, use when required and continue to wash hands when possible
- We will keep the NHS track and trace and although not a requirement, you are encouraged to use as its help us track if infection is on site