5pm, Friday 26th March 2021
We will be making protest banners, posters and signs for the peaceful and socially distanced event ‘Reclaim These Streets: Protest The Policing Bill’ happening on Saturday 27th, 4pm at Forest Recreation Ground.
Chaos Magic revolves around communities and at times like this we need to stick together and protest against injustices. Together we will share ideas on texts, design, and find joy out of resistance.
Join us on Friday to create empowering placards to stand with, to make a statement and have your voice be heard. You can use any material you find the easiest, the most fun to work with, or simply whatever you have on hand, anything will work!
Making posters out of card, banners out of scrap fabric, painting, drawing, sewing… Be creative, be powerful.
The protest on Saturday is an important event run by a coalition of wonderful activists and groups for a chance for us to be heard, by protesting against all forms of police violence, gendered violence and the Policing Bill.
Free, No Booking Required
Join the workshop HERE
More details about the protest and event to be found HERE